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The toolbox
digital for the installer.

EPiC is ABB's new app for installing, configuring and controlling Tmax XT, Emax 2 and M4M low-voltage products. It allows BLE connection, NFC and device recognition through advanced functions such as augmented reality.
dashboard virtuale con i parametri fondamentali e una sezione di gestione dei settaggi e delle impostazioni.
The ABB ecosystem in your pocket.

The application is part of the ecosystem of ABB services such as Marketplace, MyABB profile management and Support to offer the installer everything they need in device proximity operations.
The installation and configuration of a product is simplified by the ability to connect to set logical parameters and protection curves directly from the app.


Each device has a virtual dashboard with the fundamental parameters and a section for managing settings and settings.
The aesthetics of the project comply with ABB guidelines and the environment is made comfortable by ergonomics in line with the onboard interfaces of the various devices.

A robust and expandable structure
Given the advanced context of use, we have placed a special focus on security and stability.

Each part of the project has been implemented following DRY and SOLID development patterns. The services are injected into the various application layers via dependency injection to isolate the code modules and promote the testability of the individual parts.

The app follows a robust system of development, code review, validation, integrated and laboratory testing before being released. This process allows the large team to integrate parts of the code in a natural and progressive way. 

The project is carried out in Xamarin, the Microsoft solution that requires a single common code base for iOS and Android and offers the possibility to support other systems without rewriting the code. In addition, this solution allows us to share many of the libraries written for the ABB Ekip Connect desktop application, significantly reducing development time.
Keyword: connectivity

EPiC allows you to interact with different ABB devices through various connection or recognition solutions.

BLE and NFC technologies allow for quick connection and real-time reading of values.
For this solution we have developed dedicated libraries to optimize performance and offer a satisfying user experience.
Augmented reality and productivity
To recognize the device, you can point the camera at the device, the augmented reality engine takes care of the rest.
This module has been trained to recognize not only the type of product but also the compatible accessory housings.
In this way it is possible, through the 3D reconstruction superimposed on the camera view, to select an area of the device and choose the accessory to be installed. The technical information of the add-in is then shown and you can proceed with the ordering of the component.
Scarica l'app ABB EPiC da Google Play  Scarica l'app ABB EPiC da App Store