Member management

To manage the email newsletter addresses, you have three sections available:
  • Members: where you can update, modify or remove a member
  • Export members: this form allows you to download the members in Excel format
  • Import members: this is used to add or modify a list of members from Excel files

The members section contains the list of all the email addresses associated with the newsletter service.
The page is composed of:
  • "New" action to add a member 
  • Filtering area to search for one or more members 
  • List of members, with main details, modification action and contextual menu
  • Layout of the items
The New or Modify actions open up the details on the member. Here you will find the form with the data associated with the email address.
Email is the most important field and is, naturally, required. The email address is unique in the member database, meaning that there may be only one member with that address.
The status is used to enable or disable a member in relation to the sending out of the newsletter. The following values apply:
  • Active: the address is enabled for the newsletter to be sent out
  • Inactive: the member has yet to validate their email address using the dedicated mailbox (opt-in function)
  • Removed: the address has been unsubscribed from the service and the user will no longer receive any emails, the associated address is blacklisted
  • Send failed: despite a series of attempts, it has proved impossible to send the emails, and the address is blacklisted
  • Blocked: the address has been blocked by DataWeb and is blacklisted
The subscription date indicates the precise moment at which the address was added by the members.
The additional value allow you to insert into the body of the email certain additional data such as first name, surname, promotional code, etc. The first name surrounded by curly brackets is used as a placeholder in the mail form (e.g.: “Hi { {Name} }”).
You have to insert additional values in the AdditionalValues column of the Excel import file. If there are multiples values, they have to be separated by a comma withouth spaces (example: "Name:Mario,Surname:Rossi").
The culture specifies the member's preferred language. This usually corresponds to the culture active at the time of subscription on the website.
Nation and area are data used for segmentation of the member.
The interests enable the member to receive communications on specific matters.
The groups are managed in DataWeb and segment the members on the basis of an internal logic. For example, you can associate the member with the "Test" group to send them the test newsletter.
Multiple groups or interests can be associated with a member by entering multiple values separated by commas (e.g.: Value1, Value2).
The source indicates where the subscription took place.
Terms approval lists the conditions accepted by the member.
Did you know...?
The member does not have versions or deletion status. Any change is definitive when it is saved.